Wednesday, September 9, 2009

John Book Assignment

Hey Girls,

I will be out today. Once you finish your blog assignments from last week, you can start on the next blog assignment.

Here is your blog assignment for John. You will need your textbook.

Read pp 347-348 and answer the following questions:

  1. How is John so different from Matthew, Mark & Luke?
  2. What does “synoptic” mean?
  3. John writes with what “one purpose”?
  4. What does John 3:16 say?
  5. Who was Martin Luther?
  6. What’s the “Main Point” of John?
  7. When was it written?

Read page 349 “Jesus at Creation” and answer the following questions:

  1. What does John 1:1 say?
  2. How does John get his point across to 2 different cultures (Greeks & Jews)?
  3. What does “Logos” mean in Greek?
  4. Greek philosophers teach that “logos” means what?

Read pp. 351-352 “You Must Be Born Again” and answer the following questions:

  1. What does John 3:3 say?
  2. Who was Nicodemus?
  3. Who are the Sanhedrin?
  4. I will give you the “Miracle”, you give me the “Message”:
    1. Turns water into wine = ?
    2. Heals crippled man on Sabbath =?
    3. Walks on water = ?
    4. Heals a man born blind = ?
    5. Raises Lazarus from the dead = ?

Read page 358 “Where Was Jesus Buried” and answer the following questions:

  1. Tradition #1 states Jesus was buried where?
  2. What did Hadrian do?
  3. What did Constantine do?
  4. What does the painting from the 1800s show?
  5. This church is protected by what today?
  6. Tradition #2 states Jesus was buried where?
  7. How far is it from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?
  8. Who was General Charles Gordon?
  9. What does “Gologotha” mean and why is it significant?
  10. After reading both traditions, where do you think Jesus is buried?
Have fun!
Ms. M

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