Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bible Assignment # 2 Due by Friday, August 14

Hey Girls!

Here is your assignment for today, due by Friday, 8/14 for 100 points:

1. Make sure that your blog is set up correctly. Make sure that you have added every group in our class to your BLOG LIST. Make sure you are FOLLOWING every group in this class (go to their page and click on follow). If you don't know how to do this, please ask me.

2. Define "honor" ( and in your own words). Each person in your group should post an answer. Example: Ashley & Brooke's post would look like:
Ashley: I think honor is....
Brooke: I think honor is....

3. Find 5 scriptures about honor and post them here.

4. Send an e-card (by e-mail) to one of your teachers, a member of BCS' support staff, a fellow student, and one of our administrators. Your e-card should tell them how much you appreciate them and thank them for all they've done and do for you. Make it personal and sweet. is a great e-card website, but there are tons more.

5. Comment on 5 other groups' blogs in this class. Go to their post and click "comment". You will have to enter a password to post your comment.

Reminder: Post your answers on YOUR blog.

Have fun!
Ms. M

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