Monday, August 31, 2009

Matthew Book Assignment

Hey Girls,

Here's your next blog assignment, due Friday, 9/4/09 by midnight:

1. Read pages 300-306 in your textbook.

2. Answer the following questions and post your answers to your blog:

Read "Finally, the Messiah Has Come" on pp 300-301
a. Was Matthew the first gospel written?
b. What does "Gospel" mean?
c. What promise does Malachi close the OT with?
d. What does Matthew declare as he opens up the NT?
e. What does Matthew convince readers of?
f. Who wrote Matthew? When was it written?

Read "Shaking Jesus' Family Tree" on pp 302-303
a. Why were genealogies so important to Jews?
b. Did Jesus meet the "ancestral requirements" for being the Messiah? How?
c. Why is his family tree a bit odd?
d. How does Matthew target Jewish readers more than any other Gospel? (hint: see "The Jewish Gospel")

Read "Wise Men With Shocking News" pp 304-306
a. What does "Eastern lands" refer to?
b. What did the wise men bring?
c. Who predicted that the Messiah would come from Bethlehem?
d. What was Herod's "vicious" order?
e. When do scholars think Jesus was born? (What year)
Have fun!
Ms. M

Friday, August 28, 2009

Important Instructions


Please delete your Smilebox assignments, as well as any pictures of yourself that you have posted to your blog, as soon as possible.

Thanks, have a great weekend!
Ms. M

Friday, August 21, 2009

Honoring our PRESIDENT & FIRST LADY (#5)

Hey Girls,

Here is your next blog assignment:

Go to Answer the following questions on your blog:

i. When was our president sworn into office?

ii. Tell me about our presidents parents and background

iii. Tell me about First Lady Michelle Obama

iv. What are some issues facing our nation right now? (See “issues” on website)

v. Click on “The Briefing Room” and “The Blog”. What kind of information is posted here? What interested you? What didn’t?

vi. Send the President & First Lady a letter (we will mail these on Friday). Thank him for his service in our nation. Tell him that you are praying for he and his family. Tell him a little bit about yourself and your goals for your life. Tell him what you love about America. Honor him for being our president. Invite him to our SCHOOL! J

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Honoring our SENATORS (#4)

Hey Girls,

Here is your next blog assignment:

ii. Send Senators Mary Landrieu and David Vitter an e-mail. Thank them for their service in our nation. Tell them that you are praying for them and their families. Tell them a little bit about yourself and your goals for your life. Tell them what you love about America & Louisiana. Honor them for representing our state in the senate. Invite them to our SCHOOL! J

1. David Vitter Email

2. Mary Landrieu Email

Honoring our PASTORS (#3)

Hey Girls,

Here is your next blog assignment. Answer the following questions on your blog:

i. Who is your pastor? What church do you go to? (DON'T post this information to your blog! E-mail it to me instead)

ii. Tell me about your pastor.

iii. Why is he important to you?

iv. Send your pastor an e-mail thanking and honoring him. Tell him that you are praying for him. Tell him what you love about your church. Copy me on this e-mail.

Happy HONOR-ing,

Ms. M

Honoring our GOVERNOR (#2)

Hey Girls,

Today you will be sending an e-mail to our governor, Bobby Jindal, to honor him for his service in our state. This is due Friday, 8/28/09 by midight:

2. Answer the following questions/post to your blog:

i. When did Bobby Jindal become LA governor?

ii. Who is his wife? His children?

iii. Tell me about his wife, Supriya.

iv. Email the governor ( )

1. Thank him for his service in our community

2. Tell him that you are praying for he and his family

3. Tell him a little bit about yourself and your goals in life

4. Tell him what you love about Louisiana

5. Honor him for being our governor and invite him to OUR SCHOOL! J

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Blog Assignment # 3 -SMILEBOX

Hey Girls,

Here is your next blog assignment, due by Friday, 8/21/09 at midnight:

1. Go to (you will need to download Smilebox)

2. Click on "Scrapbooks". Each of you will need to create a family scrapbook for your Parents/Guardian. Express your gratitude to them in this scrapbook. Thank them for everything they've done for you. Be specific. You will need to add pictures, text & music in your scrapbook. Remember, always select the FREE designs & music!

3. E-mail your Smilebox scrapbook to your parents AND me.

4. Comment on our class blog about your parents' response. Did they love it? What did they say?

5. Go to and tell a story in 5 frames on your blog. The 5 frames should tell the story of your life. See my newspaper class' blogs for examples of how to do this.

6. Post 5 scriptures about family and comment on each of them. Do you feel like this scripture describes you? If not, how can you improve so that your life mirrors this scripture?

Have fun, and let me know if you have any questions!
Ms. M

Heads Up

Hey Girls,

Your blogs look great so far!

Heads up - Kayla and Rebecca's URL is as follows:

Please make this change on your blogs.

Ms. M

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bible Assignment # 2 Due by Friday, August 14

Hey Girls!

Here is your assignment for today, due by Friday, 8/14 for 100 points:

1. Make sure that your blog is set up correctly. Make sure that you have added every group in our class to your BLOG LIST. Make sure you are FOLLOWING every group in this class (go to their page and click on follow). If you don't know how to do this, please ask me.

2. Define "honor" ( and in your own words). Each person in your group should post an answer. Example: Ashley & Brooke's post would look like:
Ashley: I think honor is....
Brooke: I think honor is....

3. Find 5 scriptures about honor and post them here.

4. Send an e-card (by e-mail) to one of your teachers, a member of BCS' support staff, a fellow student, and one of our administrators. Your e-card should tell them how much you appreciate them and thank them for all they've done and do for you. Make it personal and sweet. is a great e-card website, but there are tons more.

5. Comment on 5 other groups' blogs in this class. Go to their post and click "comment". You will have to enter a password to post your comment.

Reminder: Post your answers on YOUR blog.

Have fun!
Ms. M

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bible Assignment #1 Due by Friday, August 14

HELLO Girls Bible!

Welcome to the BCS Girls Bible blog! This year, you'll be working in groups to blog about various topics.

Here's your first assignment for Tuesday, 8/11/09:

1. Get into your blog groups @ the computer stations. Here are the groups:
Group 1 - Brooke & Ashley
Group 2 - Crystal & Rachael
Group 3 - Laura & Emily
Group 4 - Rachel & Lacey
Group 5 - Jasmine & Kim
Group 6 - Danielle & Kelli
Group 7 - Mikki & Lauryn M.
Group 8 - Rebecca & Kayla
Group 9 - Taylor, Bailey

2. Create a GROUP blog (go to, choose a template, and NAME it). Add the other groups to your blogroll.

3. Post a group blog about "HONORING TEACHERS". Answer the following questions:

a. What does it mean to HONOR TEACHERS?
b. How can we honor teachers?
c. What are some fond memories you have with BCS teachers? Share them here.
d. Post a scripture about honoring those in authority.
e. Post a picture to accompany your blog (can be a picture of a flower, beach scene, etc).
f. Respond to 3 other groups' blogs.

Have fun!
Ms. M