Friday, December 11, 2009

Redemption Day Assignment

Hey Girls,

Here is your Redemption Day Assignment:

1) Read Romans 8:28
2) Find 10 pictures on Google or Bing that you feel reflect this scripture
3) Post to your blog
4) Read 1 Peter 5:7
5) Find 10 pictures on Google or Bing that you feel reflect this scripture
6) Post to your blog
7) Read the Christmas story in Luke 1-2
8) Post a 3 point "Get Your Preach On" from this passage to your blog!

Happy Friday!
Ms. M

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bee-U-Tee-Ful :)

1 & 2 Peter Blog Test (50 points) - due TODAY

Hey Girls!

Here's your blog test for 1/2 Peter (open notes/book):

1 Peter:

  1. Who wrote it?
  1. When was it written?
  1. What is the setting?
  1. Who was it written to?
  1. What does 1 Peter 3:9 say? (Write out scripture)

2 Peter:

  1. Who wrote it?
  1. When was it written?
  1. Who was it written to?
  1. What is 2 Peter about (2 things)?
  1. What does 2 Peter 1:3 say? (Write out scripture)
Happy Wednesday!
Ms. M

P.S. Here's who is preaching tomorrow:
Lacey, Brooke, Ashley, Crystal, Rachael D. - woohoo can't wait!